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Nick Symmonds

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Nick Symmonds is an American 800m runner with a personal best of 1:42.95. His most accomplished athletic achievements include an IAAF World Championship Silver medal, 5th place at the London Olympic Games, and 6 American national 800m titles (5 of which were won consecutively). Nick, now retired from professional track racing, is co-founder and CEO of the RunGum, and spends his extra time training for the marathon.

During high school, Nick’s personal bests were 1:53 in the 800m, and a modest 4:20 in the 1600m. His collegiate years were spent at Willamette (in Oregon), where he studied Biochemistry. At Willamette, an NCAA Division III school, Symmonds progressed his personal bests to 1:45.83 in the 800m, and 3:40.91 in the 1500m. He also was the Northwest division champion in cross country, with his best 8km cross country time being 24:49.

“We’re not going to make you an NCAA star overnight, but if you get a little bit better each year, a little bit stronger, and are able to handle a little bit more training, year after year after year. That’s going to really add up.” – Symmonds’ then coach, Kelly Sullivan

2008 sample week of workouts for Nick Symmonds (and team-mates) at Oregon Track club under coach Frank Gagliano

AM – Lifting with Coach Radcliff + 6×100 m strides. + 7 mile run
PM – 4 mile easy shake out run

AM -Workout. (intervals on and off the track usually totaling 8-10k)
PM – 30 minute lap swim

AM – Lifting with Coach Rad + 6×100m strides. + 7 mile run
PM – 4 mile easy shake out run

AM – Light Workout (hill repeats, fartleks, or 200m repeats)
PM – 30 minute lap swim

AM -6 mile run
PM – Hunting or fishing

AM -Workout (most weeks this is a 4-5 mile pace run)

AM -Long run (90 minutes or about 14 miles)

Nick Symmonds Training: 2012 Olympic Year

Following his success at the London Olympic Games, Symmonds published a document detailing his 10 month build-up to the Games. Credit must go to Nick and Rungum for displaying such transparency. Below is Nick Symmonds complete day-by-day build-up to his London 2012 800m final. He finished in 1:42.95 in what would form part of the greatest 800m race of all time.

Notable points:

  • Routine easy runs usually run at 7-7:30/mi (4:20-4:45/km pace)
  • Tempo runs ranging between 3-6 miles normally include increasing pace. eg. 4-5 miles starting at 5:25-5:30/mile (3:20-3:25/km) working down to about 5:00/mile (3:05-3:10/km) by the final mile.
  • Spends fair portion of time in the gym. Uses power lifts amongst strength, plyometric, and functional training. He also swims as part of cross training. Swims sometimes follow sessions to aid his recovery.
  • His training is usually done at 90% of his capabilities, only occasionally reaching 100%.

Nick Symmonds Training Olympics 800m
Credit: Sweatelite

Nick Symmonds Olympic 2012 trials
Credit: Sweatelite

Nick Symmond’s Personal Bests:

400m 47.45 (2012)
600m 1:14.47 (2008)
800m 1:42.95 (2012)
1000m 2:16.35 (2010)
1500m 3:34.55 (2013)
Mile 3:59.68 (2015)

Nick Symmonds training, Nick Symmonds runner, Nick Symmonds marathon.