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Dathan Ritzenhein

BROWSE ALL +65 ATHLETES / Dathan Ritzenhein

Here’s a look into Dathan Ritzenhein’s high school, college, and 2 post collegiate training systems. First looking into Dathan’s comments on training during these particular periods of his life, followed by weeks pulled out of his log book for each respective period. Although the weeks may be a week or 2 prior or post a particular race, he feels they still provide a sample of what the training he did entailed.


  • To quote Dathan: “it was basically 6 days a week of intensity”
  • Huge proportion of training being hard sessions. He’d never be able to do that sort of training currently, he mentions that as a 17/18 year old he could do just about anything without breaking down.
  • No periodization. Did more training than anyone else

COLLEGE: Coach Wetmore

  • His coach was a big Lydiard fan
  • Periodized training
  • Higher volume and really fast repeats with short recovery
  • Most long runs were hard, and similar to long tempos
  • Usually had 1 shorter interval session per week eg. 8x200m with 30 sec recovery, all out

POST COLLEGE 1: Brad Hudson

  • Large focus on threshold training
  • Periodization only during marathon training, more or less the same type of training during year-round non-marathon training.
  • Most workouts were just above or below half-marathon pace
  • During marathon training it was common to have hard long run sessions, with hardly any easy long runs. Eg sessions like 20 miles at marathon race pace.
  • Only occasionally run faster workouts. Feels that his best races came while doing short faster training

POST COLLEGE 2: Alberto Salazar

  • Much faster workouts with longer recovery
  • ±100 miles a week, same volume as his past 10 years.
  • Large emphasis on individual periodized training

[docxpresso file=”https://runningscience.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/dathan-ritzenhein-4.odt” comments=”true”]