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Herb Elliott – 1500m/mile
Coached by Percy Cerutty who coached Herb as 4:20.4 miler in high school through his career which saw a peak 3:54 mile performance. Cerutty’s public reputation most likely kept his naming from becoming well known, despite the influential role he’s played in training methodologies and practice to current time. A few things Cerutty believed were:
- Majority of running should be done at varied paces (including easy runs) to avoid “zombie like” metronome running that most athletes practice.
- Teach athletes what was needed, and then let them play a role in deciding what to do.
- Build mileage to 60-100mi per week for a 1500m athlete like Herb.
Herb Elliott’s training sample week during race practice period:
morning – seven miles, varied pace.
afternoon – circuit running (long cross-country intervals)
evening – easy five miles.
morning – five miles, varied pace.
afternoon – repeat hill training
evening – weight training
morning – seven miles.
afternoon – six miles, varied running and sprinting
morning – seven miles, varied pace.
afternoon – fifteen miles.
morning – five miles, varied pace.
afternoon – weight training
evening – five miles, varied running and sprinting.
morning – six miles;
afternoon – intervals, golf course.
(source: Training with Cerutty by Larry Myers, page 94)
A younger Herb Elliott training sample week at age 18y/o (in 1956) during race practice period:
6-10 x 400 or 800
Tuesday: 8k at “peak speed”
Wednesday: with sprinters
Thursday: 30 min of sprint 30 sec, jog 90 sec
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4-10k on track at “peak speed”
Sunday: 16k hard
(source: The Golden Mile by Herb Elliott)
Below are Percy Cerutty’s sample weeks of his 5-10k athletes:
[docxpresso file=”https://runningscience.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Percy-Cerutty.odt” comments=true]